Mr. & Mrs. T Margarita Mix 1L
Margarita Mix / Texas, United States
A cocktail with a tequila or vodka base. A mouth-watering combination of lime and agave nectar, perfected with a hint of orange for a tangy sweet experience.
Mott’s Mr & Mrs T is the category leader in cocktail mixes that provides an easy solution for mixing cocktails/mocktails when entertaining at home. Since consumers like variety, Mott’s Mr & Mrs T is offering more variety to choose from to make it easier for consumers have more diversity on hand
Mott’s Mr & Mrs T is the category leader in cocktail mixes that provides an easy solution for mixing cocktails/mocktails when entertaining at home. Since consumers like variety, Mott’s Mr & Mrs T is offering more variety to choose from to make it easier for consumers have more diversity on hand